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Nutrition X-Change
Have you ever considered the importance of bone health for longevity and athletic performance? In our latest X-Change, written by Professor Craig Sale, we’ll take a look at why bone health is so important to the athlete and their overall health. Read the full X-Change article here or download the pdf via the button below […]
Nutrition X-Change
X Change Vol 17. Fats: Relevance for Exercise Performance
How important are fats to your athletic performance? Our latest X-Change, written by Professor Don Maclaren, we’ll guide you through this and how certain fats can be used as fuel in an athletic population. Read the full X-Change article here or download the PDF via the button below. Key Points Fats are the major storage […]
Nutrition X-Change
X Change Vol 16. Protein Nutrition for Manipulating Body Composition in Athletes
It is widely acknowledged that protein is an essential component in muscle growth and repair. Our latest X-Change, written by Oliver Witard, takes an in-depth look at the three T’s (Type, Time and Total) of protein and how these impact improved body composition in an athletic population. Read the full X-Change article here or download […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol. 15 - Nutrition and Soccer
Ahead of the International Football Tournament, we dive into the latest research on the role of nutrition for professional football athletes. This article, co-written by Andrew Hulton, James Malone, Neil Clarke and Don Maclaren, offers the athlete and practitioner valuable and practical insight into nutrition for the football player. Read the full X-Change article here […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol. 14 - Milk as a Sports Nutrition Supplement
At Nutrition X we believe in championing a food-first approach to nutrition – that’s why our latest X-Change paper, written by Professor Don Maclaren, takes a detailed look at the nutritional benefits of milk and its impact on the athlete. Read the full X-Change article here or download the PDF via the button below. Practical […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol. 13 - Iron and the Athlete
Iron isn’t something we talk about a lot, but a deficiency in this vital nutrient can be common place amongst the athlete population. In our latest X-Change paper, co-written by Professor Peter Peeling, Dr. Alannah McKay, Mr Cory Dugan, Dr Rachel McCormick and Dr Marc Sim we take a detailed look at Iron and it’s […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol. 12 - Nutritional Requirements For Rugby Players
No matter which code of rugby you are playing a good nutrition strategy is vital, but how exactly should you feed for maximum growth, repair and game day performance? In our latest X-Change paper, co-written by Dr James Morehen and Professor Graeme Close, we explore just this; looking at the nutritional requirements for rugby players […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol. 11 - Probiotics and Sports Performance
Probiotics have gained in popularity and use over recent years, yet many of us are unsure of the exact benefits that supplementing with a probiotic blend can have; particularly when it comes to athletic performance. In our latest X-Change paper, written by leading researchers on probiotics and gastrointestinal health in athletes Dr Jamie Pugh and […]
Nutrition X-Change
Nutrition X-Change Vol.10 - Plant-Based and Vegan Diets in Exercise and Sport
Thanks to a boost in popularity over recent years, many of us will be aware of some the benefits of a plant-based or vegan diet, with more and more people becoming interested in, or taking up, this kind of lifestyle. The question is, how do these diets work in the world of sport and what […]